...for my wonderful husband and partner in DIY.
Waz is never one to blow his own trumpet, preferring to stay in the background and just get on with what he has to do. I want to thank him publicly for picking up my physical and emotional pieces when needed and not just putting them back together, or helping me put them back, but also quietly carrying on regardless. Life doesnt stop.
While I write in my blog about what is going on in our lives that is ok for public consumption, there is much going on in the background that isnt. Some things need to remain private, you understand.
Waz is the man who does things without me asking. He does plenty of what I ask, too, but as an example...I hadn't readied the living room (first half) floor for painting, the night before the painting began, and as I was doing the breakfast dishes, next day, Waz was busy in the salon, laying the plastic down carefully (unasked), so that I wouldn't trip, slip or fall on it. It cut a half hour off my prep time, walking in and having this ready to go. He does that! He will see and do what needs to be done...clean the toilet, wash the dishes, hang the laundry...all without being asked, just doing it. No complaints EVER!
I'm not very physically able, anymore. There is much I can do, but there is also much I need help with. He just does it or comes when called and helps. Often the two of us will work out a way that I can do it for myself. Brilliant collaboration!
Waz tends to just do things on his own, making sure he does them safely enough, but I am careful to insist (sometimes with opposition, lol) that he take extra safety measures, and have me there to hold the ladder, or help him lift something or move other things, or prepare for HIS doing of something. We aren't Spring chickens anymore...more like Autumn Ducks! So we need to take good care of ourselves and the other. Too much to do to be hampered by ill health or some silly and unfortunate injury that could easily have been avoided if we took the time and care. You know how that is!
What a team!
With so many little things to finish off before our container arrives in the morning, today was just another day of doing 'stuff'. We are prepped and ready now. By 2pm, we had downed tools and I insisted that no more work would be done today. Exhaustion creeps in and there is not one ounce left of strength or will power to do anything further.
We did sleep in this morning, until just after 9am. A late breakfast meant we had a late lunch and will have a late dinner. I prefer it the other way around, but we needed that lie in this morning.
Waz finished off the bedroom lights in the 3rd bedroom this morning while I did assorted other things like clean the last of the four shaun de leers. I forgot to tell you a week ago, that this light fixture could only be turned on at the top of the stairs...so you had to climb the stairs, turn it on, go back down stairs and turn off the lower hall light and reclimb the stairs again, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see your way up the stairs in the dark. This has been on Waz's bucket list for a while. He has changed out and renovated a couple of wall sockets elsewhere...this French wiring system would NOT pass muster in either NZ or the US, I might add...somewhat frustrating for Waz, and dangerous! So, he managed to rejig the two way switch that now turns this light on in the upstairs hallway, from the bottom of the stairs, and you can now turn it on and off at either switch! Brilliant!
He cleaned up the mess from yesterday in the guest bedroom and hung the final draperies in there. That room now just needs a bed and linens and bedside tables with lamps, to make our guests feel more welcome.
The large solid mahogany oval table is now taken to pieces and wrapped and stored, along with the pink, green and gold velour upholstered chairs. Anyone want them?? They are for sale.
They have been replaced by our Florida dining table, and tomorrow we get our NZ dining table. Dont ask me where that will go.
I like that the dining room looks so spacious now. Not for long, as we have a lovely warm colored wooden buffet to go against one wall, and a long and spacious buffet to go along the wall under the mirror. Both have ample storage, which will be most welcome.
After our lunch on the newly liberated terrace through that window on the right, we sat out there in our comfy chairs and read, and Waz did his Sudoku, before retiring to the Salon for a nap.
Laundry has been done and folded, a couple of rain drops fell from the gathering clouds, but nothing to take any of the heat out of the day. It is 32C in the kitchen right now. Where is the breeze?
We stood at our bedroom window on what is ostensibly the 3rd floor (the basement or sous-sol, being the first) last night at 11pm and watched the fireworks in Barbezieux, on the horizon. We could have gone into town to watch from closer by, as the Pompiers were putting on the display, but I didnt want to be on the road (no lights along the road in these rural parts) with all the drunks. 14th July, Bastille Day has come and gone for another year. Perhaps next year we will have the energy to go and enjoy it in a more traditional way.
I have finished my 4th Kathy Reichs book, just now, and I feel fortunate to have a huge choice of what to read next. I have read almost all the Patricia Cornwall mysteries, and likewise the James Patterson novels. There are some authors in our book shelves who are new to me, so perhaps I will try some of them? My night time reading is working like a charm. I sleep like a log, these days.
Time for an apero and more sitting and just watching and listening. So many bees on the lavender, and the birds are busy things inside the hedges. It is Sunday, so things are pretty quiet out there! Love it.
Au Revoir.
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