Tuesday 6 March 2018

Sometimes Clarity comes with the Rain.

The day dawned foggy  but warm, and it truly reflected how I felt. I have a mouth ulcer, which I only ever get when I am supremely stressed. This hasn't happened for nearly ten years, I might tell you.

Too much conflicting information in terms of what we should and shouldn't do to ship our household goods to France, has made me into a bit of a screaming meemee!!!

I just received the words to soothe my fevered brow...and of course, the heavens opened up and at that very moment, clarity and normalcy was restored.

Anyone else trying to send their 'stuff' to France, here it is from the person who does all the paperwork, in France!

All we need in France to clear HHGs (household goods) shipments and for customer to be exempted of duties and taxes are below documents:

·         A clear and legible copy of client’s passport (ID page only)

·         Itemised valued inventory in French and in Euros: completed, dated and signed (Merchant value after depreciation – about 30% of new value) (attached above)

·         Non-Resale attestation and power of attorney duly signed (attached doc)

·         A proof of residence in France under client’s name dated and dated of less than 6 months when shipment arrives (for example : copy of  lease, electricity and telecom bill, home loan/purchase contract.....)

·         Letter from client’s company (in French) certifying his/her transfer from (origin country/town) to France ; his/her position in the company and approximate length of stay.  These documents must mention the length of his/her stay abroad (which must be more than one year to obtain free entry). This document must mention the length of your stay abroad (which must be more than one year to obtain free entry). This document must mention that you have not been residing in an European Union (EU) country in the last 12 months.

Please note that residence in France must be main residence to be exempted of duties and taxes. If France is secondary home there will be taxes on shipment (about 20 to 30% of total declared value on customs inventory)

EASY!!! We can provide all of the above. YAYAYAYYAYAYAYA! oh happy day!!!
Ok, I'm going to celebrate with a coffee!! Ciao!

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