Monday 27 August 2018

It's Break Time

Having finished off the blogs for our time in Dublin, I am taking a break for a while. We have been doing normal things at home in the past week. Cutting the hedge, picking and cooking the many tomatoes that were ripe on our return and clearing debris from the yard. We have taken numerous trips to the dump with the trailer filled to overflowing and had a general cleanout. The temperature is cooler, thankfully, and we are enjoying being outside while the weather is cooler and the light is still good up until about 9pm.

We have much to do in the coming weeks that is boring and ordinary. I wont be documenting it. It is coming up on September and is officially Autumn. We welcome the change and look forward to the grape harvest.
So, I bid you adieu, and you will no doubt hear from me when I feel I have the time to spend on the blog.
Take care, be well, and A bientot.

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