Saturday, 7 April 2018

Tiki-Touring in the 'hood.

What better thing to do, on an overcast day, than go for a 'drive' in the neighboring towns. Of course we had decided on a circuit beforehand...kind of, as happens when you go riding with us:)

We needed a day off and a day out recently, so we took to the roads in the vicinity on a "what's over there?" kind of road trip.

Just down the road is the sign for our local village.

 Just around the corner from the sign, was an entryway making a statement. We have Gate Envy! I obviously took this photo through a dirty car window! Sorry!

 Over the top of the hill, and down the other side. We were glad there wasn't anyone coming up the hill, as there simply wasn't room for two of us on this skinny but typical road.
 We came to a cross roads and a more main road kind of road with markings, but that skinny road up ahead looked too inviting, so we crossed over.
 Trees such as  these are planted in low lying areas. They sometimes get flooded, being beside rivers or streams. They appear to like wet feet. Pretty, non?
 At the top of the hill we finally came to the water tower that we can see from our house, in the distance. Nothing else there! We had anticipated a town or at least a Hamlet of some kind, but only far houses are nearby.
 Up hill and down dale, and finally come to a town. This town has many newer houses on the lower slopes, and like so many villages that started in ancient times, the bulk of the houses are built on the hill, in the distance, in this case.
 So we climbed the hill. This needs a bit of a power wash, but otherwise rather lovely. It is the gatehouse for a rather interesting Chateau. You can just see the building on the right of that tree.
 Climbing to the top of the hill, and following the interesting shape of the roofline, we discovered the house...and oh my! Look at those gates, will you!!!
 For once we weren't brazen enough to go and stick our noses through the gates to see what lay inside. Plenty of people out and about and it would have looked a little...well...tacky!
Back down the hill and along the bottom of another valley on our way to Jonzac.
 The trees are usually following a river or water course of some kind. Pretty copses that are not in new leaf.

 Oops! Cant go up that way, but look at that interesting roof, up there.
 Jonzac was a lovely surprise, but whoosh! was that wind bone chilling.
The Medieval Chateau sits front and center in the old town.

 It looks down a lovely Alle with trees on both sides. Behind the Chateau is a nice drop-off, and great views of the surrounding countryside, of course. These structures are usually built on promontory. There is a grassy moat, and what was a drawbridge.
 Looking down the town square, or centre ville. We are totally enamoured of the Charantais limestone buildings. They make such a cheerful façade.
 Some of them are highly decorative.
We couldn't smell anything in particular, on our way down the hill along the main drag, but we did notice that people were walking around with baguettes under their arms. Ahh! Must be coming up to Dejeuner...lunch time! Follow those baguettes! There is bound to be a Boulangerie and possibly a Patisserie too!  but wait! Before I take you down there, there is the Chateau to take a further look at, and into.

 It really is just perfect, dont you think?

 I imagine it used to have water? Wouldn't grass be a bit useless at keeping the plebs out? oops, sorry, the enemy!

 oh look....something else to draw our attention.
 lets go and see what it is. Aha! A square with a liberty -type lady.
 But not yet! Wait....those baguettes kept coming up the road from under this archway....

 Im guessing this used to be one of the main portals into the village.
 You guessed it! Voila! Yes, a Patisserie, and who can resist those delights? Not us! As we hadn't really considered lunch on the road, we though to buy a couple of Pastry items for our lunch...not to GO WITH, but FOR lunch. Why not?
 That wind was cold, so we didnt loiter, but did make a note to self to  return on a fine day when we could sit outside said Patisserie in the sunshine and take some time to savor the delights along with a café.
Back to the Chateau and parking lot around to the left of it.
 An Art Gallery on the square! Cute, but at 150 euros each?

 Stunning façade on the Hotel.
 There is always ONE medieval street, and I had to take a wander down there a wee way.

Back in the car, pastries carefully stowed to avoid smooshing them all together, we went on our merry way. Next town to visit was Pons.
High on the hill overlooking the valley below, is this stately Castle. I dont know that I would call it a Chateau as much as a Tour/Tower.
At the bottom of the ravine is a Railway station and line, we discovered. In order to get this photo, I had to do some off-road driving! That meant approaching the village in a somewhat unorthodox manner:) Dont ask Waz!!
 We found a public parking lot outside a church, and walked up into the village. We weren't impressed with the nasty smells in this town.
Easter window displays everywhere. This one in the Boulangerie, of course.
 Now the Tower. The top of the hill has a lovely wide open space and neatly manicured garden. Several restaurants were opening for lunch trade, but we weren't here for lunch. A Grand Crème kept us fortified until we could get home and eat our pastries with a cup of tea.
It's a little weird to see a modern clock near the top of that tower, dont you think?
 Looking back at the large open square. Restaurants on the right. You can tell them by their rest awnings and signs. We are quite high up here, and the views were lovely.
 In the 11th Century, Renaud built the Chatellenie de Pons. This building.
The keep and the Hospital were rebuilt by Geoffrie 111 in the 12th century. Renaud 1, First Lord of Pons surrounded the town with Ramparts. In the 14th Century, Renaud the 1V's allegiance vacillated between England and France. His wife, friend to the English, closed the town gates to him when he sided with the French. In the 16th Century, Antoine de Pons was the last Lord of Pons, first a Huguenot and then a Catholic after his wife's death. This is the legend on the side of the building.

A quick walk around the side streets and back to the car, out of the cold wind. Time to head towards home, but we have one more stop on the way. Cognac Gardens and Hotel de Ville. After that, home for lunch and our sweet treats.  Enjoy the photos. They speak for themselves.

 ..Drum roll.....Yes, this is all we ate for lunch! Not too many calories, because we had to eat some protein mid-afternoon, lol. Lots of 'fluff' obviously.

 Yes, they were THAT good...great!

Night night!

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